Council to pick new member
Bucks County Courier Times
Council is scheduled to appoint a new member at its meeting at 7:30 p.m. tonight in borough hall, 35 Union St.
Morrisville Borough Council will appoint someone to a 3rd Ward council seat for the second time in 13 months.
Councilman Edward Albertson resigned effective Sept. 22 because he moved out of Morrisville and could no longer hold onto his seat, borough officials said.
Albertson, a Democrat, served on the council for one year after he was appointed to take the seat of George Bolos, a Republican councilman who resigned in September 2008 because he moved out of the borough.
Council President Nancy Sherlock said the council has interviewed three candidates to fill the remainder of the seat, which expires at the end of this year, including two candidates in the upcoming November election.
The three candidates are Republican candidate Ed Bailey, Democratic candidate Rhonda Davis and Morrisville Environmental Advisory Council member Deborah Colgan.
The council is scheduled to make an appointment at its meeting tonight. The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. at borough hall, 35 Union St.