Thursday, October 29, 2009

On the wrong track

Nicely said Peter.

From the bcct:

On the wrong track

Bucks County Courier Times
In regards to David Stoneburner's Oct. 22 Guest Opinion, I agree with him and think that Morrisville is on the wrong track.
Classroom aides have been sacrificed to save a few bucks and school board President Bill Hellmann keeps talking about huge tax increases, but this board went ahead and hired a public relations person for $25,000.
Test scores are declining. The latest report card on local schools show Morrisville quickly undoing years of steady progress that had some of our scores among the top in the county just a few years ago. We save a few dollars in taxes, but our property values have woefully declined, far below the economic decline of neighboring areas.

We need a school board that won't stay on a track that leads Morrisville toward a train wreck. I support the Morrisville Pride candidates that will find a balance between the community's concerns and education for the children.
Peter Eisengrein