Sunday, October 11, 2009

The stay on track way

Let us not forget. The stay on trackers have not been answering questions from the public for some time. This video is from a few years ago. Even then they would not interact or want to hear the concerns of the public. We know that this video is not new, but it is still relevant today. If our schools are to be successful then our school board members must be willing to listen and interact with the community. Since this video was made over 2 years ago, board members Robin Reithmeyer, and Gloria Heater have interacted with the community, even Bill Farrell has tried to reason with the hard-core stay on trackers like Hellmann, Mihok, Radosti, Worob, and Buckman. Keep this video in mind when you go to the polls on Nov. 3. Is this what you want from your school board?