This was posted as a comment, but it deserves it's own post.
"To all my friends, neighbors, and township residents:
During the last 2 weeks, our mailboxes have been inundated with what can charitably be best described as negative mailers filled with character assassinations, outright lies, falsehoods and distortions. I guess when my opponent is scared of his own reputation and credentials, the only way to proceed is to attack his opponent.
As bad as the libelous negative mailers of my opponent have been, tonight the line of common decency and fair play was crossed. When my wife came home from work, she did what most people did. She went to check the mailbox and was greeted by what appeared to be numerous dead rodents in the mailbox. She was frightened and extremely shaken by this event. Although this may sound like something hilarious to my opponent, the result was an unfortunate terrorizing of my wife Felice. The police have been contacted and a report was taken. In fact, this is the 3rd police report that has been filed for vandalism against my home and my campaign property during the last few weeks, In addition, all of my campaign signs in the rear of my home were stolen this evening.
I am sure that the opposition will deny their involvement, but the tearing down of my big signs, the ongoing theft and destruction of my smaller signs along with the libelous mailers all fits the same pattern of political sabotage. I would hope that we would expect more from an individual who is running for District Judge.
We can all sit back and do nothing or we can send a message on this Tuesday to the Burns campaign. That message is " We are not going to accept such outrageous conduct from the Burns team and we are going to cast our vote for Ron Smith for District Judge". I apologize for this message, but when one threatens innocent family members, such as my wife, the time is here to say enough is enough and we will not tolerate that kind of behavior, let alone politics. Please feel free to send this message to one and all. Thank you. Ron Smith"