Thursday, October 15, 2009

Who will fill the 3rd Ward seat?

Three considered for temporary council appointment in Morrisville's Third Ward
Published: Wednesday, October 14, 2009

By Petra Chesner Schlatter;
Three people are being considered by Morrisville Borough Council members to fill the vacancy created by Ed Albertson's resignation from council.Albertson, who moved out of the borough, had been appointed to represent the Third Ward in the northern part of the borough when George Bolis resigned. Now, council must replace the council member in the ward for the second timeTwo of the three candidates are running for election in November - Ed Bailey (R) and Rhonda Davis (D). The third person being considered for the temporary appointment is Deborah Colgan (D).A decision is scheduled for Oct. 19 about who will replace Albertson until the term expires on December 3. The three candidates stated their case at the Oct. 13 council meeting.

Bailey said he started getting involved in the community when he joined the Morrisville Library Board.But Bailey said when he really delved into the community, was when he got involved in the "Stop the School" campaign. He was asked by now-school board member Robin Reithmeyer to survey residents about whether a multi-million-dollar consolidated school should be built.Bailey said he found that 88 percent of those questioned were opposed to the controversial proposed school, while only 12 percent favored it."Local government has to stay in step with what the public wants," he said. "That motivated me to stay involved in that issue...I feel a sense of responsibility to stay involved.”

Saying she was making a statement by applying for the council seat, Colgan, a member of the Environmental Advisory Council, said "Third Ward voters should be the ones who chose" who will represent them.Council, Colgan noted, is "legally obligated" to fill Albertson's spot within 30 days of his resignation. She said if she were picked by council, she would resign after the term expires in December."We know who you support," she told council members. "I ask each of you to allow the process of Democracy" to take its course... "You have the opportunity to pick an unbiased choice."Council member Jane Burger noted that Colgan is treasurer of the Democratic Party and that she is "working with one of the candidates."Colgan asserted that council's decision on an applicant would have an effect on the outcome of the election in the Third Ward.

Growing up in a small town has meaning for Davis and she said she likes Morrisville because it is a small town. "Morrisville has some neat things going on,” she said. “I wanted to work with people my make the community better. I just want to be more active in the community."Council member Dave Rivella asked how she sees herself fitting in with the current council members. "I'm very respectful of people's opinions," she said. "I am not a conflict kind of person...If someone's irate, I let them say their thing."Davis said she prefers places like Morrisville Borough. She and her husband had lived in Yardley. She said she prefers Morrisville Borough to townhouses."I like diversity and uniqueness. I believe that's what we have here," she said. She had told about her experience teaching in Georgia and how she had seen injustices there.”