We find it interesting that the only group talking about a new school is the folks from stay on track. This is a long dead issue and no one from Morrisville Pride has said they want to build a new school. The stay on trackers either aren't listening to anyone, or they are using this as a scare tactic. Most likely its a combination of both.
They also keep claiming that test scores are up. They are NOT up. As a result of aides not being replaced and children being shuffled around and crammed into trailers, test scores are in fact down. Do you hear that Sharon.....test scores are down! They are down under a budget passed by your friends on the board. Please stop they lying and maybe then we can debate the facts. The credibility of the stay on trackers was questionable at best. After the past week or so, it has really taken a further dip.
Both sides...feel free to debate the issues based on the facts you have. Back up your arguments with proof of your claims. The Morrisville Pride guys have been doing this all along.
Get out there and vote on Nov. 3!