Sunday, October 4, 2009

A call for answers from the Stay on Track team

Looks like political season is now is full swing here in the boro as evident by the latest edition of the Morrisville Times. Ads from what looks like every candidate/slate appear in the latest edition. More on this is sure to follow.

Can the "stay on track" team please explain what measure they are using when they use the phrase "quality education up"? This is not a jab at the SOT team, it is a legit question. What does the phrase mean? If they are referring to test scores, they are lying. If they are referring to the "quality" meaning conditions in which children are learning, they are again lying. We find it hard to believe that the quality of education is better in a trailer.

ATTN "Stay on Track" school board candidates:
1. What do you mean by "quality
education is up"?
2. What standard or measure are you
using to stake this claim?

We will patiently await your answers.

As of 10/6/09 at 12 noon there has been no reponse from any supporters of the SOT slate or the SOT slate themselves.