We have been following a thread over at the Morrisville Message Board titled "Morrisville needs a change". It is a civil discussion regarding the upcoming election for both the school board and council races. Many good points have been brought up such as..
"Cassie" said.."The Morrisville Pride candidates are 4 out of a 9 member board. So they'd have to work together with the other 5 board members, AND THE COMMUNITY, and the teachers, and the administration, and other relevant constituencies to see where we as a community should go.
"Michael" said..(about the Morrisville Pride candidates)"I believe they are going to work with the community, not against it. I believe they are going to work with local, state, & Fed government, not against them, I believe they are going to stay within the law. I believe they are going to actually VOTE on the decisions that are made as part of public record. I believe they are going to make decisions based on the children's educational needs and not the almighty buck. That being said I believe they will actually do their very best to education the children of Morrisville well while taking every penny they spend in consideration, unlike the current school board majority who talk about caring about the kids but do nothing to back it up. AND I BELIEVE THEY HAVE ARE NOT GOING TO BUILD A NEW SCHOOL! No matter what smear tactics the Stay On Track group put out there.
"Zero is only a number" said"Marlys Mihok was not misspeaking when she said she did not want to be responsible for a school district. She and Hellmann and the rest of the Stay on Track team, Brenda Worob and Buckman, and Stout too, want the school district to close and to bus the students to another district. They have been trying to get that done for two years now. If Stay on Track wins, there will be no Morrisville school district in two years.
There are plenty more that you can check out for yourself by clicking the link. Our point is this. the people of Morrisville seem genuinely interested in this years election. They are tired of the "stay on track" lies and deceit. They want real change and progress for our town. The only way for this to happen is if we elect NEW leaders for both school board and council. By electing the Morrisville Pride group for school board, there will be a balance on the board that has not been there for some time. Electing new leaders for council will bring fresh ideas from people with no political agenda, they just want to help Morrisville be successful.
For several years people either have not voted, and/or were not informed of the issues and the track(no pun intended) records of the "old guard". This year is different. People are more informed and are ready for a change. In fact the Morrisville Pride candidates have been more than forthcoming to discuss issues with residents and even their opponents.
When you go to the polls on Nov. 3, vote on the issues, vote with you conscience, vote with PRIDE. Morrisville cannot afford to "stay on track"