Is it legal, or at the very least unethical for a judge of elections, who also happens to be on the school board to be distributing flyers(on school grounds) for candidates they support? And don't all political flyers have to have the "paid for" notice on them?
What is the big deal about someone not owning a home, and running for school board? Does this make them any less qualified? For some reason the stay on trackers have an issue with people that rent their homes/apartments. These folks do pay their's called rent, and the taxes are built into the rent. Many of the stay on trackers have rental properties(funny thing is many of the stay on track signs are on rental properties) they should know this!
We mentioned in a post awhile back about how can Mr. Hellmann say the districts payroll is too high and he wants to put $$ into the buildings, but a back in June the board majority hired Pat Wandling as a "communications director"(political operative), and raised the payroll in a pathetic attempt to make himself and other stay on trackers look like they are doing a good job. Then come Sept. Mr. Hellman was vehemently opposed to the hiring of a teachers aide for the same amount of $25K. Mr Hellmann your credibility is currently zero, along with the rest of your cohorts.
Here is the link:Mr. Hellmann help us understand
It is imperative that everyone that is registered to vote does so on November 3. Morrisville can do better than the position the stay on trackers have left us with. Say no the ways of Mr. Hellman and his cronys that are up for election(Worob,Buckman,Stout,Dewilde), for they are just puppets of Mr. Hellmann. And say yes to a new Morrisville. A Morrisville that has pride, and a Morrisville that is known for the right reasons, and a Morrisville that has a future!
Added 10/29---Could someone confirm or deny if Ron Stout and Marlys Mihok made a rent payment to a landlord within the last month. We are not saying they are not paying their rent, we just would like confirmation if they are renters. If they are renters, using stay on track thinking, Marlys should step down from the board, and Ron Stout should drop out of the race since this renter thing is such a hot button for them. We could care less if you own a home, rent an apartment/house. We know your pay your taxes. And the landlords on the board should know this also. Enough with the double standards guys. It's getting old