As parents we are all concerned about the safety and well being of our children. This goes without saying. The current situation at both of our schools has yet to be addressed by this board. And that is where the blame should lie. It is not the administrations fault that this is happening. The administration is not to blame for the boards willy nilly approach to running a district. Unfortunately the board will most likely spin in so it looks like it was the administration's problem. The stay on trackers on the board need a lesson on taking responsibility for their actions/inactions.
With P.W. as the communications czar surely we should have seen a press release easing parents concerns after a nightmare of a first week. Or even a letter to parents at least recognizing the problem.Have we seen anything? Nope. Don't expect to either. Her job is also to suppress the negative actions/inactions of the Morrisville School Board, not just promote the positive. And where is Marly's Mihok during all of this. She calls herself a "child safety advocate", but where is she when such a person is needed. Marlys you have had a plan in the past for children walking in the streets(albeit a strange, twisted plan), where is your plan for a real problem(one that you helped create)?