For the past two years our school board majority has given us much to talk about and discuss, from their secret meetings, unethical and unprofessional behavior both in the board room and in public. For this they should be ashamed and embarrassed of their actions.
This blog started out as a forum to voice our opinions and let others in the community voice theirs. It is a forum where we as a community can come together and show the rest of Morrisville what the Hellmann regime is all about. We have had several laughs over the past few months of some board members behavior, but what has taken place over the first two days of school is no laughing matter.
We all know that the traffic around Grandview and the Intermediate/High School is a nightmare. Did the board majority think what traffic would be like if they crammed k-3 in one school and 6-12 in another? The answer is no. These buildings and parking lots were not designed to handle this kind of traffic. Not to mention that there is construction trailers in the parking lot at the IS/HS. Yes this is temporary, but as several parents have pointed out, they create blind spots and are a hazard.
At the last board meeting it was stated that construction was not on schedule to be finished before the first day of school. The "stay on track" candidates which include two current board members (Worob,Buckman) posted to their website an article from the bcct about renovations being on schedule. However this posting to their site was made after the 8/26 board meeting, when they knew that renovations would not be complete.
It was also stated at the 8/26 meeting that construction would not be taking place during school hours. Already on the first day of school children had to be moved because workers had to put new windows in. Where was the breakdown?
It is time for us as a community and as parents to stand up and tell the Hellmann regime and tell them that this situation is unacceptable. It is dangerous and is no laughing matter. There is a board meeting on 9/23. Please come to this meeting to voice your concerns and frustrations.
In the mean time there are several things we can do.
1. Call the school and voice your concerns.
2. As parents, please use restraint when dropping off/picking up. Take your time and slow down.
3. Call the School District office to demand a plan of action to fix these issues
4. Come to the 9/23 board meeting. By not standing up and taking action, the board will believe that nothing is wrong and there will be no improvements in the situation. And that cannot happen.