Wednesday, January 19, 2011  Handouts must be reviewed by borough

From the bcct:  Handouts must be reviewed by borough

Bucks County Courier Times

All fliers and literature distributed on borough-owned land now needs the administration's approval.

Morrisville will begin recording all literature, fliers and handouts distributed at borough hall and other borough-owned properties, according to a new policy approved Tuesday by the council.

The unanimously approved policy says that all literature, fliers and handouts will be reviewed by the borough manager before being approved and given an official number that must be displayed on it.

Anything not approved - or without that official number - will not be allowed to be displayed, the policy states.

Council President David Rivella calls it "a common sense policy."

"I think it's a good measure," he said just before the council voted. "It is just a little extra fail-safe so whatever + is handed out over the borough counter (at the municipal building) has been approved and certainly doesn't have anything that could be misconstrued or embarrassing for the borough."

Councilwoman Nancy Sherlock said: "The purpose of this particular policy is so that any literature or fliers distributed through the borough is reviewed first by our borough manager to make sure it is appropriate."

Council members Rivella, Sherlock, Fred Kerner, Victor Cicero, Rhonda Davis, Kathryn Panzitta, Todd Sanford and Eileen Dreisbach voted yes on the policy.

Danny Adler can be reached at 215-949-4205 or Follow him at