Thursday, January 20, 2011

Board to vote on hiring Ferrara

Nothing really new here that we didn't already know. Check out the sentence that we have in bold type. Either the reporter is on the take, the reporter doesn't check her sources claims before putting them in the paper, and/or this is typical Stay on Track misinformation being spewed by the "up to 25k" per year" communications director. By the way does PW know where the LGI room is yet or is she asking others on the way in?
from the bcct:
 Board to vote on hiring Ferrara

Bucks County Courier Times

The Morrisville school board is looking into permanently hiring William Ferrara as the district's superintendent.

School directors are expected to vote on it at the Jan. 26 school board meeting.

After Wednesday's school board work session, Ferrara said the school directors have 150 days before June 30 to decide who will fill the position. His contract as acting superintendent runs until the end of the school year in June.

Ferrara has been acting superintendent since October. The board voted for him to look after the district following the abrupt departure of then-superintendent Elizabeth Yonson, who officially resigned in September, but had not attended district meetings since the start of the school year.

Before taking the $120,000 post, Ferrara was the principal at Morrisville High School. Donald Harm of Pennsbury School District replaced Ferrara in October for the remainder of the school year.

In other Morrisville school news, officials will look into the possibility of installing additional security cameras at Grandview Elementary. Cost details still need to be researched, officials said.

Gema Maria Duarte can be reached at 215-949-4195 or Follow her on Twitter at

January 20, 2011 02:06 AM