Sunday, September 12, 2010

True Bulldog Pride

This comment is worthy of its own post and we didn't want it to get lost in the shuffle.

Donna Wilson, Color Guard Coach said...
Hoping this can be it's own entry.

I would like to thank everyone for the support that has been shown to myself and the color guard squad. We really do appreciate it. However, the squad and myself would like to move on and concentrate on the great squad we are growing into.

The squad is excited to now be at eight members.
The girls are proud to welcome the two young gentlemen who joined the squad and now spin airblades.

So with that said, we are hoping that we can move on from the whole stipend debacle. It has never been about the money for me, it has always been about how it was handled.

Again, I personally thank you all for your continued support. Please come to out to the football games and support the Bulldogs and let the band and color guard entertain you.
Stop by and say hello, we will be glad to meet you.

Go Bulldogs.....Forever Blue and Gold!