Thursday, September 23, 2010 District head resigns  District head resigns

Bucks County Courier Times

High school principal William Ferrara was named acting superintendent.

Morrisville School District Superintendent Elizabeth Yonson resigned effective Wednesday, and the board named principal William Ferrara as acting superintendent.

Board President Bill Hellmann wouldn't discuss the reason for Yonson's resignation and simply said after the meeting that he didn't comment on personnel matters.

District parents had been speculating about such a move for weeks and even asked school board members about it at the August meeting, but they were mum on the issue. Yonson had been absent from the board's previous three meetings.

At Wednesday's meeting, members didn't discuss or provide any details; instead they made the motions and votes were cast to accept Yonson's resignation and appoint Ferrara. The votes were 6-0 in favor of both motions. Board members Brenda Worob, Gloria Heater and Robin Reithmeyer weren't at the meeting.

Ferrara will carry on being the principal of the Morrisville Intermediate and the high school, as well as the acting superintendent of the 900-student district.

Hellmann said he didn't know how long the arrangement would be for. Ferrara's salary hasn't been determined and his contract has not been drafted.

"We wouldn't have hired him if he didn't think he could do the job," Hellmann said.

"We don't think we are spreading him too thin," board member Marlys Mihok said after the meeting.

"Actually, (Ferrara) suggested (combining the positions)," Hellman said.

After the meeting, Ferrara said not much will change in the district level, and praised the teachers and the district administration.

"A lot of good things are happening and we'll continue to do our best," he said.

As for juggling both positions, Ferrara said he's done it before, so the district will be fine for some time and "if we are going to bring someone else we should take our time to get a qualified person in here."

Parent Jon Perry said he has nothing against Ferrara, but his frustration is towards the board's handling of the issue because they didn't communicate with the public about the possibility of Yonson's resignation when they were asked in August.