Below are comments from another post regarding the County Commissioners meeting held in the Morrisville Library. Looks like Marlys Mihok and Ron Stout really put on a show.
Anonymous said...
(unrelated to any of this)
I heard an interesting story about this morning's county commissioner's meeting.
During the public comment portion of the meeting which is at the end, Marlys (who sat with Ron Stout) got up and bashed the CDBG grants & the work having been done/being done at Morrisville's library. Marlys talked about having paid her 25 cents a page at borough hall for paperwork on the renovations (because school board isn't enough for her) and that the money was wasted on engineering fees. The funny part about that is that when the new borough council got rid of Jane Burger's engineering buddies, Pennoni, (who did the engineering on the library) and brought in another firm, it was Marlys who had come to public comment complaining that they should keep Pennoni. I heard that this morning she was pretty tackless and open about her dislike for the library renovations. (No big surprise, its another educational facility.) I heard she really embarrassed herself with her rantings, which is sad because here these people are coming to Morrisville to hold this county meeting and there's Marlys acting like "herself" as a Morrisville resident and elected school board official.
This is the second school board official to recently bash the worth of the Morrisville Library & its renovations. Ron Stout came to a recent borough council meeting and bashed council for the work at the library. He ended his public comment statement by saying that anyone on council who votes for the library porch roof grant is a "rotten thief".
(On a side note)
I also heard that Ron Stout came into the library not long ago and harrassed a female teenage employee about the renovations & her job for 45 minutes or so. This teenage employee has a parent who sits on borough council. I heard Stout even went so far as to accuse this teenager of getting the job because of this fact. This kid could have gone anywhere in Bucks County to work but wanted to give back to her community. What is Stout, like 70, picking on teenage girls. Scary that this is who is in charge of Morrisville's children.
Of course Marlys & Stout wouldn't understand having work done on the library. Don't bother to do the work when it needs done so that it doesn't end up like the school district and who needs those pesky county grants so let's make sure a borough council that they don't like doesn't get any more of them. Just make them raise my taxes to pay for them instead.
Thankfully, the county commissions didn't feel the same way and today they gave the Morrisville Library an additional $1000 grant.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Anonymous said...
Marlys publically bashing grants to the very people Morrisville receives them from is what I see as a new low, but just another day in the life of someone like Mihok.
As for the Ron Stout picking on a teenage girl at work, I'm just shaking my head at this one. She should have called the police. Again I see this as a new low for Stout, but its just another day to him too. Routine business in Morrisville.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Anonymous said...
Incredibly active in a bad way. Does Marlys have a day job? She's not of retirement age, is she?
Rotten thief? Didn't Ron's buddy Steve lose a house over comments like that? What embarrassments.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Anonymous said...
They don't appear to have any shame of their own whatsoever. But they sure are bringing it down on Morrisville. Curious as to how Diane Hughes feels about "The Marlys and Ron Show" smearing the library work. How they (Ron+Marlys) have a shread of credibility in the entire community is beyond me.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Anonymous said...
Isn't Mihok's day job....
caring for....
wait for it....
the mother of tax collector, Pat Pordash. Yes that would be in the very same house you take your tax money to. Where "Kitty" & Pat Broffman work. Interesting web. The more ya know, the sicker ya feel about all of it.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Anonymous said...
OMG Mihok caring for another human being!!!!!