Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What makes a good Board member? Candidates anyone?

Yes this is from a different state, but you get the idea. We posted something similar awhile back.

From isba.org

What Makes a Good Board Member?
Becoming an effective school board member takes time. Many of the qualities that make great board members are acquired through experience and training.

Yet, as you consider running for the school board, think about your ability to meet these characteristics:
The conviction that public education is important
A commitment to public involvement
The ability to make decisions
Belief in the democratic process
Willingness to devote time and energy to your new position
Ability to accept the will of the majority
Courage of your convictions
Respect for district employees
Ability to communicate well with others

Board members are ineffective when they:
Become involved in school administration
Allow personal feelings toward others to affect their judgment
Allow personal interests to transcend the best interests of the district
Neglect board duties
Can’t make decisions and are unable to take firm stands
Represent the interests of a special group or geographic area (zone) rather than the interests of the entire district
Adopt an arrogant or paternalistic attitude toward district employees or the public