Hello Morrisville. Well the first day of school is just around the corner.Don't forget today 8/29 is the Morrisville Jazz Fest. This FREE event will take place from 3-8 at Williamson Park.
Some things to consider/ponder:
1 Will the renovations Grandview be finished in time?
2. Why is Paul DeAngelo awfully(no pun intended) vocal all of a sudden. At the last board meeting, we heard he was unusually "chatty". Any truth to this.?
3. Who is Marlys next victim? She has permanently had the children in her sights for many years now whether from the photo lens, or by a yes vote on some sort of cutting of a program at the schools. She single handily led the way to slash Color Guard coach Donna Wilson's stipend by 75%. As Marlys continues her crusade against all things good and right, what is her next move . Hopefully her behavior is going to catch up with her soon. Do your boro a favor Marlys....resign now. We can continue without out your "leadreship" on the board. here is a quote staight out of the SOT handbook that Marlys should try sometime, "Just Cooperate". If Marlys would just cooperate things would be so much better in our schools. Instead she is intent on burning bridges, breaking rules, and trying to run Morrisville like it's her own private fiefdom. She uses her dais on the school board to take out 25+ years of anger against just about everyone and everything. Just like the voters in the 3rd ward had had enough of Jane Burger and her ways, The entire district, we feel, has had enough of your community dividing ways.
4. What is the over/under on getting some sort of a playground at the IS/HS. We are going to set it at 6 months.
5. It was nice to see in the letter home that there will be some sort of control over the traffic flow at the IS/HS. This is something that is needed in the name of safety. But unless it is enforced in the parking lot, expect the same chaos as years past. We will remain cautiously optimistic and give it a few weeks for them to work it out.
6. If you are not happy with lunch prices going up, simply have a silent protest and don't buy the lunches.
7. Lastly, if there are any students out there reading this blog. Please share with us any thoughts you may have on your experience at school this year whether its good bad or indifferent.