Friday, August 20, 2010

File this one under.." Sorry Sharon"

For those that don't already know, Sharon Hughes also video tapes the school board meetings. It is also not known what she does with the tapes.

from the BCCT:
Plan to record meetings hits a snag

Bucks County Courier Times
MORRISVILLE - Morrisville is having some technical difficulties.

The borough purchased new video recording equipment including a new monitor for the system used to record council meetings. The new equipment was supposed to be hooked up for this week's meeting, but it didn't turn out that way. The new pieces weren't compatible to the 15-year-old recording setup.

Council President Nancy Sherlock said the borough will fix the problem in the next few weeks and hopes to be able to start recording again in September with the help of volunteers.

The issue came up after Councilwoman Eileen Dreisbach was concerned that future meetings weren't going to be recorded. Dreisbach's concern was raised because letters were sent to volunteers who monitor the recording system informing them that their services weren't needed this month. The letter didn't go into detail nor did it mention a date that recording would resume, leading Dreisbach to think recordings of meetings had been suspended permanently.

But Councilwoman Kathryn Panzitta said there wasn't any indication in the letters that meetings weren't going to be recorded anymore.

Volunteer Sharon Hughes, who records the council meetings from inside a booth, sat in the audience recording the meeting with a hand-held camera. It was unknown Thursday what Hughes is going to do with the recording.