As most of us know the Board of School Directors deemed it necessary to conduct yet another re-registration. This is the "self serving old guard" once again puffing their chests out to let us know who has the power. Rather silly huh? There are some concerning things on the forms as well. There are several questions regarding Special Education. Such as has your child ever been tested for Sp. Ed. services, does your child have an
IEP or has your child received Gifted services. Does any one know if this is common practice for school districts to require this as a prerequisite for attending school? And what's with the form on Custody of the student? Seems like they are asking for a lot of personal information that they are not privy to. What are your thoughts on this process and the information they are looking for?
Here is the link to regarding
A few other thoughts. For renters they are asking for a lease, and for the students name to be on the lease. Why are they singling out renters? If you own a home, your childrens' name is not on the mortgage. This whole process seems to have a rather foul smell! If this is going to be an annual event there needs to be policy and procedures in place regarding the process. Such as..Who will oversee the process? How often will re-registration take place? What forum/room will this take place? Then again policy and procedure are not words this board understands very well at all.