Unfortunately the online version has no author.
From the bcct:
Relieve seniors of the school tax burden
Bucks County Courier Times
am not, nor have I ever been, a proponent of class warfare. I do not envy anyone who is rich in this world's goods, and attained that status by hard work, or by inheritance, or by winning the lottery. What ever honest endeavor brought them to that height, I applaud. Good for you! I am intelligent enough to realize that we need rich people. Heaven knows, I could not pay a salary to anyone, or begin an enterprise which would provide jobs for people. However, we can all aspire to these pinnacles.
Many years ago, my husband and I took the opportunity to pursue the American Dream. We fall into this profile group. We bought a home which we could afford, and lived within our means. With children to raise, he took on two jobs and I did everything else to accomplish our goal. It did not happen overnight, nor was it easy, but we eventually found we had our very own "American Dream."
When our children were in school, I became aware that senior citizens were paying school taxes, too. This disturbed me and I contacted my representatives to see if something could be done to alleviate this burden on them. The usual response was "We're talking about it." That was 30 or more years ago. Guess what? They're still talking about it!
Since being retired, a new phrase has been added when I ask if senior citizens can't have a break (either very low taxes, or NONE at all. Preferably the latter). I am told, "Senior citizens paid to educate your children." That is not acceptable. I remind them that I have been harping on this for over 30 years. Another excuse, "They are considering freezing school taxes for seniors." That is not acceptable either. I want them to be drastically reduced or completely eliminated. Seniors do not want to be paying thousands of their miniscule dollars the rest of their retired lives! If we are forced to, it means only one thing - We will lose our American dream! According to one board candidate, we only have about 10 years left so we are expendable.
There are people in public service jobs who are demanding they be given very lucrative salaries and benefits. Even when my husband worked, he did not have those outrageous incomes and perks. What has been either forgotten or ignored over these years is who these people are: They are public servants. They work for us, not that we work for them. However, it has come to us working for them in order to pay these taxes or face the consequences.
I would rather provide increases for some other public servants such as police, firefighters, and military personnel, whom I believe deserve every penny they can be paid. Thank you for your service.
For all who disagree with me and are happily paying these exorbitant taxes, the Bucks County Area Agency on Aging has a motto, "Aging, It's In Your Future!" Let's pray you make it.
In closing my tirade concerning this ever-growing, looming specter, I quote another public servant who recently commented about our brave military men and women he believes do not deserve more benefits, "They knew what they were getting into when they joined up."
Ditto! That appropriately applies to the public education profession which is threatening and holding us captive by their obscene demands.
July 11, 2010 02:50 AM
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Buzz up!
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Blue Star Mom, 07-11-10, 7:46 am | Rate: 0 | Report
Would you support a program funded by HUD to create a loan/lien program with no fees or charges that would advance you only the money you need to pay your property and school taxes on an annual basis at 1% interest to cover costs and the loan is paid back at the time the house is sold or passed upon death to an heir?
So many seniors have homes with huge equities and no mortgage but are cash poor. This would allow them to stay in their homes and not be victim to taxes.
Certainly a small loan of 3k or 5k annually and debited against the equity would not use up very much equity and upon sale if the owner went into a nursing home or downsized the payback would not be a hardship.
While reverse mortgages exist, they are very expensive and many senior advisers say use them with caution and only as a last resort.
Dose of Reality, 07-11-10, 8:15 am | Rate: -1 | Report
BCCT bloggers: Are you ready for another edition of WHOSE LINE IS IT? Who said,
"I do not envy anyone who is rich in this world's goods, and attained that status by hard work, or by inheritance, or by winning the lottery. What ever honest endeavor brought them to that height, I applaud. Good for you!"
Give up? Okay, try your luck at this one...Who said, "There are people in public service jobs who are demanding they be given very lucrative salaries and benefits. Even when my husband worked, he did not have those outrageous incomes and perks. What has been either forgotten or ignored over these years is who these people are: They are public servants. They work for us..."
GIVE UP??? It's the same wacko! You see, for x number of years she paid a level of property taxes that was NOT commensurate with the actaul cost of educating her children...A rate which few if any individuals could afford to pay, with per pupil expenditure rates in Lower Bucks being approx. $12,000+ per. Instead, other homeowners in the District, including seniors, subsidized HER children's education. But now that she is a senior, she wants to shirk her financial obligations to the community. WHY? Just because she carries an AARP card?
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for cutting people who genuinely need it as much of a break as can be afforded. But I am so tired of hearing from whiners like this author. You may be on a fixed income and your children all grown up but that does not necessarily mean that one more tax increase of x dollars is going to drive you out of your home.
And one more thing: "I would rather provide increases for some other public servants such as police, firefighters, and military personnel, whom I believe deserve every penny they can be paid." Lady, I couldn't agree with you more...cops, firefighters & armed forces personnel do deserve to be compensated well. However, for you to suggest that school employees are any less deserving is very argumentative and undermines your credibility.
Proud Parent of 2, 07-11-10, 8:53 am | Rate: 1 | Report
Really what we need to do is change how we tax apartments they need to be charged more that is the biggest difference between CR and Neshaminy CR does not have any apartments but Neshaminy does. Why not get the Apartments to pay more or maybe we can change them all to condos and make the pay taxes that way.