Sunday, November 15, 2009

Potpourri for the week of 11/15-11/21

As we sit down to write this morning we hope that the nasty weather is past us and bright days are ahead. This week there is both a Boro council meeting and a School Board Meeting.Below is a recap of the meetings this week. If you are able to attend please do so, and let us know of your observations. Also, on Nov 25 there is a Community Pep Rally at 6 pm in the gym of the IS/HS. That should be a great event as we all get ready for the big game against Bristol on Thanksgiving morning.

We also hit a milestone of sorts here at Morrisville's Future. With your help we have reached over 10,000 hits since last May on this blog. Thank you!

If there are any organizations in the Boro that would like to reach a wider audience or would like to get the word out about a particular event or service they provide, feel free to send us an e-mail and we will be sure to give it a mention.

11/16 - Boro Council Meeting
11/18- School Board Meeting 7 pm LGI