Sunday, November 1, 2009

Election day is just 2 days away

Election day is now just 2 days away. On November 3. we the people of Morrisville will have the chance to make a change. We have the chance to send a message to the stay on trackers that WE THE PEOPLE of Morrisville do not condone, nor do we appreciate the behavior and politics of the stay on trackers. We can send a message to the rest of the county and state that we are ready to prosper and revitalize this great town. We the people can send a message to the stay on trackers that their time is done in Morrisville politics. They have not served us well(or even at all).

This blog was started after we found out that the Save the Morrisville School Blog was not going to be updated after the May 19 primary. We felt the need to document the actions of the school board majority, and give the community a forum to express their views and opinions regarding our school district and other happenings in the boro. Because the community was being "tuned out" at monthly school board meetings this blog has given and will continue to give the community an opportunity to voice their opinions. We (with the help of others in the community)have been able to document since May the inappropriate actions of the SOT team. If you are still undecided and think that SOT is right for you and Morrisville, go back through the older posts, read the comments. After reading you will see an open and shut case against SOT.

We have strived to provide the citizens of Morrisville with the truth. SOT relies on lies, deceit, misinformation, double standards, cronyism, and bully tactics to get their message out. This is not the way to run a school district or a town. Take a look around you, take a look at the town when your driving to work. What do you see? Do you want to stay on this same track? The answer clearly is NO.

On Nov 3 cast your vote for the future of Morrisville. We need leaders that will act with integrity, and communicate openly with the public.

The Morrisville Pride candidates have run an amazing campaign. Through all the lies that have been thrown at them they have weathered the course and chose not to sling mud back and forth with their opponents. That says alot about these guys. They deserve a chance to bring PRIDE back to Morrisville. They deserve a chance to right the many wrongs that SOT have created.

On Nov 3 do not be intimidated by the stay on trackers and their small band of supporters. You have a right to vote. If the person opening the curtain for you tells you who to vote for, tell him it's wrong and he and his judge of elections will be reported. Any and all info coming from the SOT camp at this point is a desperate attempt to mislead the public and hang on to what power they have left.

Vote with PRIDE on Nov 3. Vote for the future of Morisville!!