For some time now there has been speculation that there may be a few openings/vacancies on the school board. Vacancy #1 would be created when Brenda Worob steps aside due to her illness. Vacancy #2 would be created if Mr. Radosti steps aside, not sure how much traction this has, but it has been speculated it could happen for the better part of the year.
Either one of these openings creates an interesting problem/opportunity for the board. It would be against all things right and just if the recently defeated 4th ward councilman was to slide into either spot. Because of his past he would be a huge liability to the taxpayers and to the school district if he were to be appointed to the board. Other names mentioned for possible openings on the board are Ed Bailey, and Jane Burger.
The board has an opportunity to "mend some fences" if any spots should open up on the board. If they choose another buddy of theirs, like they did when Mr. Buckman was appointed, it sets up a long two years before the next election. Let's hope they make the most out of this opprotunity, and have a fair and open process in selecting possible new board members.