Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to all

Just a quick note to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Community Pep Rally tonight!!!!

This there will be a "community pep rally" tonight at the Morrisville High School to get everyone pumped up for the 80th anniversary of the Morrisville/Bristol Thanksgiving Day football game. The pep rally starts at 6pm in the gym of the high school. It should be a great time for everyone. Come on out to show your support for the Dawgs!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Potpourri for the week of 11/15-11/21

As we sit down to write this morning we hope that the nasty weather is past us and bright days are ahead. This week there is both a Boro council meeting and a School Board Meeting.Below is a recap of the meetings this week. If you are able to attend please do so, and let us know of your observations. Also, on Nov 25 there is a Community Pep Rally at 6 pm in the gym of the IS/HS. That should be a great event as we all get ready for the big game against Bristol on Thanksgiving morning.

We also hit a milestone of sorts here at Morrisville's Future. With your help we have reached over 10,000 hits since last May on this blog. Thank you!

If there are any organizations in the Boro that would like to reach a wider audience or would like to get the word out about a particular event or service they provide, feel free to send us an e-mail and we will be sure to give it a mention.

11/16 - Boro Council Meeting
11/18- School Board Meeting 7 pm LGI

Friday, November 13, 2009

Rt 1. bridge project complete...

Now it's the Calhoun St. bridges turn for rehab.

$102-million Morrisville-Trenton Bridge project complete

By Petra Chesner Schlatter

MORRISVILLE -- About 30 people attended the re-dedication of the Morrisville-Trenton Bridge Thursday. Despite the rain, the event took place in a tent outside the administration offices of the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission in Morrisville Borough.

The $102-million rehabilitation and widening project has many benefits for some Morrisville Borough residents, according to Nancy Sherlock, president of the Morrisville Borough Council.

Residents on Moreau Street will have a “respite,” she said, referring to the effect the noise walls will have on the neighborhood. The long continuous noise wall extends from Pennsylvania Avenue to the river on Route 1.

“It also provides a little relief on borough roads,” Sherlock noted.

George Alexandridis, chief engineer of the bridge project, said this was “the largest project the commission has undertaken.”

“We’ve reduced congestion,” Alexandridis said. Before the project, traffic would back up heading into New Jersey. The addition of a new auxiliary lane has adjusted that.

Project manager Chris Harney said he feels “very excited” about the project’s completion.

“George and I put in a lot of effort on a personal level,” he said. “It was done at the highest level possible.”

Harney noted this bridge is one of 20 other structures that have undergone rehabilitation, including spans connecting Pennsylvania to New Jersey points including Frenchtown, Phillipsburg, Stockton, Lambertville and Trenton.

The Morrisville-Trenton Bridge marks the halfway point in a $1-billion capital improvement program.

Now that the Morrisville toll bridge work is completed, the commission’s next project will include work on the Scudder Falls Bridge. Harney said that project would probably cost more than this one.

Harney estimated the cost would be between $200 million and $250 million.

Another area project will be the Calhoun Street Bridge.

Haney noted that the commission completed a rehabilitation project in 2005 on the famous "Trenton Makes, the World Takes" sign. A new, more stable neon sign was installed. In 1997, major repairs were completed to make the bridge more structurally safe,

Mobilization for the recent toll bridge project began Nov. 27, 2006. The project was conducted in three stages, with the bridge remaining open to traffic throughout the entire duration of construction activities.

Included in the rehabilitation were:

the widening of the bridge to accommodate a north-board auxiliary lane heading into Trenton;
reconstructing the Route 1 pavement on the Pennsylvania and New Jersey entrance;
adding noise walls on the north bound side of Route 1 in Morrisville. The walls were at the request of local residents.
modifying the interchanges on South Pennsylvania Avenue in Morrisville to make it safer for drivers exiting Route 1 onto Pennsylvania Avenue.

The bridge was the first post-World War II modern highway bridge and the first steel multi-girder bridge constructed by the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission. The bridge originally opened to traffic on Dec. 1, 1952. A daily average of 49,900 vehicles travelled across the bridge in 2008.

About the Commission

The Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission was formed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey in 1934. It operates seven toll bridges and 13 toll-supported bridges, two of which are pedestrian-only spans.

The Commission’s jurisdiction extends along the Delaware River from the Philadelphia-Bucks County line north to the New Jersey-New York border. The bridges carried more than 140 million cars and trucks in 2008.

For more information about the commission, visit

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Possible board vacancies

For some time now there has been speculation that there may be a few openings/vacancies on the school board. Vacancy #1 would be created when Brenda Worob steps aside due to her illness. Vacancy #2 would be created if Mr. Radosti steps aside, not sure how much traction this has, but it has been speculated it could happen for the better part of the year.

Either one of these openings creates an interesting problem/opportunity for the board. It would be against all things right and just if the recently defeated 4th ward councilman was to slide into either spot. Because of his past he would be a huge liability to the taxpayers and to the school district if he were to be appointed to the board. Other names mentioned for possible openings on the board are Ed Bailey, and Jane Burger.

The board has an opportunity to "mend some fences" if any spots should open up on the board. If they choose another buddy of theirs, like they did when Mr. Buckman was appointed, it sets up a long two years before the next election. Let's hope they make the most out of this opprotunity, and have a fair and open process in selecting possible new board members.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A message from Morrisville Pride

The Morrisville Pride candidates have left a message that everyone needs to see.

Click here to see the message!

We will go on...we will stay strong

After letting the results of the election sink in for a day, we came to the realization that an impact was made during this election. The Morrisville Pride team ran an ethical and a clean campaign. They presented their case with facts from board meeting minutes, and quotes from the SOT candidates themselves. They could have gone after Brenda's illness, or Jack Buckman's bill's. But they didn't. They stuck to the issues. They did not print up phony newspapers filled with lies, They did not spread lies about a new school. They did not sling mud with anyone. For that they should be proud. Great job to Morrisville Pride and their supporters.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The day after...

Shocked is pretty much the only word we can come up with to describe the events of Election Day 09. Morrisville has indeed chosen to stay on track. We will not sit here and make up excuses as to why the results did not go our way. Instead we will continue to stand up for our children and our town. We will continue to document the practices of the SOT individuals in their attempt to dismantle the Morrisville School District.

A glimmer of hope is that Fred Kerner and Rhonda Davis both won seats in the 3rd ward. And Vic Cicero beat out Steve Worob for the 4th ward council seat. Best of luck and congratulations to Fred, Rhonda, and Vic.

As for the others well, it it very difficult for us to give you genuine congratulations at this time. Perhaps this time around you will be more willing to work with the community and focus on education. Our guess is that working with the community, and education are the farthest thing from this boards mind. Thanks for the tiny tax break, and thanks for taking tens of thousands of dollars off of our property values in your attempt to derail Morrisville.

Morrisville Election Results

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Morrisville's Future begins today!!!VOTE!!!

We will keep it simple for our first post of the day.
Get out there and vote.
Make the change, you have the power today.
Vote with Pride...Vote for Morrisville Pride!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Lever Assignments

School Board
Jack Beck 18A
Damon Miller 19A
Jermaine Jenkins 20A
David Stoneburner 21A

Ward 1
Roxy Rookstool 24A

Ward 3
Fred Kerner 24A
Rhonda Davis 23A

Ward 4
Victor Cicero 23A

Tax collector
Marlene Burns 25A

Pat Schell 22A

Morrisville message board

Below is a link to the Morrsiville Message Board run by Todd White. See what Todd has to say regarding the upcoming election

Click here for Todd's message.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Election day is just 2 days away

Election day is now just 2 days away. On November 3. we the people of Morrisville will have the chance to make a change. We have the chance to send a message to the stay on trackers that WE THE PEOPLE of Morrisville do not condone, nor do we appreciate the behavior and politics of the stay on trackers. We can send a message to the rest of the county and state that we are ready to prosper and revitalize this great town. We the people can send a message to the stay on trackers that their time is done in Morrisville politics. They have not served us well(or even at all).

This blog was started after we found out that the Save the Morrisville School Blog was not going to be updated after the May 19 primary. We felt the need to document the actions of the school board majority, and give the community a forum to express their views and opinions regarding our school district and other happenings in the boro. Because the community was being "tuned out" at monthly school board meetings this blog has given and will continue to give the community an opportunity to voice their opinions. We (with the help of others in the community)have been able to document since May the inappropriate actions of the SOT team. If you are still undecided and think that SOT is right for you and Morrisville, go back through the older posts, read the comments. After reading you will see an open and shut case against SOT.

We have strived to provide the citizens of Morrisville with the truth. SOT relies on lies, deceit, misinformation, double standards, cronyism, and bully tactics to get their message out. This is not the way to run a school district or a town. Take a look around you, take a look at the town when your driving to work. What do you see? Do you want to stay on this same track? The answer clearly is NO.

On Nov 3 cast your vote for the future of Morrisville. We need leaders that will act with integrity, and communicate openly with the public.

The Morrisville Pride candidates have run an amazing campaign. Through all the lies that have been thrown at them they have weathered the course and chose not to sling mud back and forth with their opponents. That says alot about these guys. They deserve a chance to bring PRIDE back to Morrisville. They deserve a chance to right the many wrongs that SOT have created.

On Nov 3 do not be intimidated by the stay on trackers and their small band of supporters. You have a right to vote. If the person opening the curtain for you tells you who to vote for, tell him it's wrong and he and his judge of elections will be reported. Any and all info coming from the SOT camp at this point is a desperate attempt to mislead the public and hang on to what power they have left.

Vote with PRIDE on Nov 3. Vote for the future of Morisville!!





Potpourri for the week of 11/1-11/7

Your place to rant/rave about any topic of your choice. However, we do ask that you keep it clean.

A response to the Pat Pordash guest opinion

Well written Janet! Great job!

From the BCCT:

Move forward: Vote as if our future depends on it

Bucks County Courier Times
Regarding the letter, "Accessible and flexible" by Pat Pordash:

The Morrisville Democratic Club is community based and has a proven record of bipartisanship in working toward the betterment of the Morrisville community. The current election is another example of the party's ability to work with all people, not just Democrats.

The Democratic Club learned that Marlene Burns had dropped out of the tax collector's race from a notice she posted in the Courier Times. Even so, voters can still vote for the seat on the Democratic ticket. This seat would then become an appointment position in January 2010 by the newly elected borough council. Pat Pordash is a candidate but is not the only option.

Pordash never contacted the Democratic Party about running for re-election. There was no petition filed with the county to suggest that she intended to run as a Democrat or to run at all. There was no glitch. In the May primary election, Pordash could have been on the Democratic ballot but chose to be a write-in.

In her article, Pordash calls Marlene Burns her "opponent." I find this to be the sad situation: Two people want to hold the same position and all of a sudden one is referring to the other as the opposition. It doesn't have to be this way. Our community will prosper when all people decide to work together as we move forward.

Hopefully, Morrisville can see a future where people break down the walls that separate us, allowing us to truly work side by side instead of building up more walls. During this election, for the first time in many years, the Morrisville community has a chance to mend fences instead of heading off to the lumber store to build more.

Please move forward, not backward. Vote as if the future of Morrisville depends on it, because it does.

Janet Rivella, chairperson

Morrisville Democratic Club