Thursday, November 18, 2010

A new board member and an overcrowded bus

From the BCCT:

Students say tech bus is overcrowded

Bucks County Courier Times
morrisville schools

The school board also appointed a new member during its meeting Wednesday night.

Morrisville School District has two new things: an appointed school board member and a school bus problem.

Three students complained of the overcrowded conditions on the single school bus that about 50 students have been riding since Monday - and parents want an immediate solution.

Morrisville students heading to Bucks County Technical School in Bristol Township had been riding in two school buses from the former M. R. Reiter Elementary School. That changed when the district cut one bus to save money.

Acting Superintendent Bill Ferrara said the problem would be taken care of immediately, but a permanent solution needs to be worked out.

Two school students told the board that the bus ride is unsafe.

"We are falling off our seats," said Robert Fox, 16, adding that if the school bus gets into an accident, the liability may be on the district for the unsafe bus condition.

Jake Wilson, 17, said there's no room for school projects or sports gear on the bus. He added that Safety Officer Dave May supervises the students from the outside of the bus, so he hasn't witnessed the students' discomfort.

Wanda Kartal, a parent, wanted the school to find a solution.

"On (Friday), the tech parents received first notice that on (Monday) there would no longer be two buses transporting students to and from the tech school," she told the board. "No other information was provided, not even what time the one bus would be picking the kids up. No other notice was given, not even at the superintendents meeting, the school board meeting, or during the tech school updates."

She continued: "Since Monday, I have witnessed 50 kids rushing to board the bus and several kids hopping off the curb to be first in line due to overcrowding on the one bus. My son, who attends the tech school, told me he had to squeeze between two other students and that kids were hanging off the seats, blocking the aisles with their bodies and backpacks."

Ferrera said it was too late to get either a bigger bus or two buses for today, but accommodations will be made for Friday. And he will personally walk the aisles of the bus or buses.

Shortly after that discussion, the board moved on to appoint Yvonne Ruthrauff to replace former school board director Robin Reithmeyer, who was kicked off the board in October for not attending meetings. Reithmeyer told the newspaper that she had family and health issues preventing her from attending meetings.

Ruthrauff, whose son graduated in 2008 from the district, said her goal on the board will be to provide area students a good education at a good price for the district.

Before the vote, board Director Marlys Mihok read a letter, which said that she had a conversation with Reithmeyer on Wednesday afternoon, notifying the former director of the board's intention to replace her at the meeting and if she had any intention of fighting for her seat.

Reithmeyer confirmed Wednesday night during a phone interview that Mihok called her at work. And she responded, "I find it amusing that after 13 months you reached out to me."

Reithmeyer said the issue wasn't her year of absence, according to the letter she received from the board's solicitor Thomas Profy dated Oct. 25. The letter questioned her absence from the August and September meetings, which she had medical explanations for, but the board didn't ask for the material, she said.

Near the end of Mihok's letter she said, "It is my opinion that Robin Reithmeyer never attended another Morrisville School Board meeting after the November 2009 general election because the results did not favor the candidates that Robin supported by displaying their lawn signs on her property."

Gema Maria Duarte can be reached at 215-949-4195 or Follow Gema on Twitter at

November 18, 2010 02:06 AM