We apologize for being a few days late posting information about this great event.
This event took place on Tues, April 27th and we understand that the turnout was amazing and greater than last year!
The store was filled with the wonderful music of the very talented Jazz Band and kids got to meet the Bulldog mascot. Many teachers read books to a large crowd of children and parents and there was also a scavenger hunt to find paw prints throughout the store.
Everyone had a great time and it was nice to see so many teachers, members of community organizations, a school administrator, a school board member and members of the Performance Arts Boosters join in the fun!
This event was sponsored by the Morrisville PTO and a percentage of all purchases made will be used for providing items for upcoming events such as snacks for Laps for Learning and Field Day. The money will also be used for funding gifts and food for Teacher Appreciation Week which begins next week.
The PTO would like to thank everyone who made this event such a success and for the support that was shown. Their next meeting will be Monday, May 10th at 7pm in the Grandview Cafeteria.