Goal: Identify issues within the community that affect the education, safety and welfare of Morrisville District Students and rectify concerns in a mutually respectful and informal atmosphere. Heal the division in Morrisville by bringing members of the community together to in a non-hostile and non-political environment.
Duration: Six months from the first meeting date, can be extended at the discretion of the committee members
Frequency: Bi-Weekly, or as determined by the committee members
Committee Members: Morrisville Borough citizens including students
Location: Thursday, 4/29/2010
* Classroom H-8
* 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Light refreshments will be served.
* Can gain entrance to building via back of HS - same door you enter when you go to the Board Conference Room.
Expectations: This committee will serve in an advisory capacity to the School Directors of the Borough of Morrisville.
Needs Analysis Process:
• What is the Need/Issue?
• Why is it a problem?
How can it be fixed?
• Step by Step plan
Expected Results
• Report results to School Board
We commend John DeWilde for this great idea to bring people together for the good of the children. We especially like the idea that students will be invited to participate. As long as this stays non-political and non hostile we should see some results from this committee. It is time for us to come together as a community to make it better. May this be the beginning of something good. What is everyone's thoughts on this new committee? We are looking forward to seeing how this turns out!