Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Getting back up to speed

We are hearing that there was a great turnout for the swearing in of the new council members. Our best wishes goes out to all of the newly elected council members, and our new mayor also.

What's this about the heat being all out of wack at the IS/HS? Is the thermostat set too low, or is it a bigger problem? One would think after spending millions on a "renovation" the new state of the art boilers would be functioning properly. Let's hope it's just a minor glitch, and not a major problem. Can you say warranty?
Maybe newly elected school board member Mr. Stout can get to the bottom of this.

And lastly, has the School Board answered the questions from the public regarding M.R. Reiter? We can all assume that the school will never reopen, but seriously guys answer the questions already!