Friday, August 7, 2009

Killing the messenger.....

Our apologies for not getting this out sooner this a.m. The following is an opinion from today's BCCT. The writer is obviously a P.W. supporter. I'm sure P.W. is a nice lady, however her appointment is pure cronyism. She was hired to put a positive spin on what the "stay on track" folks have been doing. The only politics at play here are coming from the board majority that hired her. The resumes were only received a day before they hired her, and no one was interviewed for the job. Someone even volunteered to do it for free! P.W. is not going to tell the truth about the Morrisville schools. She will only put a spin on the news to make Hellmann and Co. look like shining stars. Something which everyone knows they are not.

from the BCCT:
Killing the messenger
Bucks County Courier Times
I have known Pat Wandling for many years, as a reporter for the Courier Times, radio talk show host, and former public information specialist for Bucks County and later Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick. When the detractors criticize her recent appointment as communications director for the Morrisville School District, they mention she worked for the former commissioner and former congressman as a bad thing. Have they gone mad?

What better reference can you have than someone who knows you for years and employed you?

I know Pat to be a person of integrity and insight. She is highly qualified and a real professional in her field, so I say the angry screams about her appointment are most likely coming from a not-so-hidden political agenda. The communications director or PR director in a school district works with the media and is a good news person, right? So what are the politicians, or whoever they are, afraid of? A communications director?

Are they worried the good news about Morrisville might get out? Are they worried Pat might do a good job for the school district? It seems to me, an outsider, that politics has reared its ugly head and they are trying to "kill" the messenger who is ready to tell the true story about the Morrisville schools.

Joe Turner
