It has been some time that we can remember a school board meeting generating so many comments and responses! Thank you to all who keep the comments coming! There were a few more things that need mentioning that have not been brought up yet.
First, where are all of the supporters of Hellmann and Co. and the "stay on track" crew? After talking to those that were in attendance, the only supporters of the Hellmann regime in attendance were the Hughes sisters, and Ron Stout. To us it seems like there is not much support for them at all. Talking to folks around town, people are tired of the same folks running the show year after year. This goes for borough council as well as school board.
Hellmann and his band of cronys have done serious damage to our schools and our town. The cost of educating a child in Morrisville has gone up since they took control of the board. When the school board president says not to invest in Morrisville we have a serious problem. Hellmann has even been quoted as saying Morrisville is too small to have its own school district.
He most recently stated at the 8/26 board meeting that "we are not obligated to provide kindergarten". Is kindergarten your next service to be cut Mr. Hellmann? It's really simple..Hellmann, Radosti, Mihok and their followers like Jack Buckman, Ron Stout and Brenda Worob are more interested in lowering taxes than educating our students. At least Bill Farrell makes somewhat rational votes. We are not quite ready to lump him in with the like of Hellmann, Radosti, and Mihok. Speaking of Buckman and Worob, they cannot deny that they voted with Hellmann over 90% of the time! And Mr. Buckman, can you share with everyone why you get a special payment plan for your overdue sewer and water bills? What is the interest rate? What is the expected payoff date?
Yes, we got off on a tangent, but the fact remains... under the current leadership of Bill Hellmann, we have not gone forward, we have gone back. We need people with a vision, and common sense to be on our school board. Do you honestly think Ron Stout has anything to offer the students, parents, and citizens of Morrisville? Didn't think so. Think about it... a school board consisting of Bill Hellmann, "Angry" Al Radosti, Marlys " I will never be responsible for anyone's children" Mihok, Brenda Worob, Jack Buckman,and Ron Stout? That is a scary thought. Please spread the word about what these people are doing to our school district, and to our town. Enough is them out.