Thursday, July 2, 2009

"The PW File"

Several of the comments below were posted as comments under other headings, but a Hellmann crony like Pat Wandling deserves her own post. Pat Wandling's new position should be called "campaign manager", "spin doctor" "mouthpiece" , don't let the board fool you, their only interest is to "Stay on Track".

By the way, does anyone know when Patricia's first day on the job is?

From 12/15/2008 BCCT.

Middletown Supervisor Kathy Heuer was first appointed at an illegal meeting. Now we know. Ms. Heuer’s initial appointment to the township board of supervisors occurred at a “secret” meeting held 15 minutes before the public meeting, according to published reports.

As a longtime resident of this community and political observer, nothing should surprise me, including the lack of outrage in Middletown. But I am surprised and disappointed. I believe once it was revealed publicly that Ms. Heuer’s appointment to the seat vacated by former Supervisor Lisa Pflaumer was not legal she should have immediately stepped down.

Instead, Ms. Heuer, Supervisor Heuer, chose to fight in court — and spend our tax dollars to defend her action and prove her point.

And what did she prove in court? She proved that her appointment involved violations of the state’s Sunshine, or Open Meetings Law. She proved that the meeting where she was appointed was invalid and everything that occurred at the meeting was invalidated by the court. She also proved that a judge would remove her from office when she refused to step down.

There are two questions our new supervisor needs to answer: Why did she vote to hire a lawyer at our expense to defend an indefensible meeting? And, will she agree to reimburse us for these shenanigans?

Pat Wandling

December 15, 2008 9:32 AM

Comments To This Article:
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(12/15/2008 )
This "longtime resident of this community and political observer" is actually a republican political hack who hosts a slanted radio show on a station owned by Pasquale Deon that only about six people listen to. She was also Mike Fitzpatrick's campaign manager or treasurer, which makes it no surprise that she is trying to defend the main sleaze-artist that brought all of this expense to the people in his desperate attempt to be named Middletown solicitor. It is good to see, however, that the corrupt Middletown republicans still have this 74-year-old hack spewing lies and swinging for them - they haven't been able to recruit fresh talent for decades. Pat Wandling you are a fraud, and nobody believes your lies.

Disenchanted Democrat - Will she pay us back?
(12/15/2008 )
Probably not but we can all hope for a bailout. The Democrats brought this upon themselves and now we are all paying for it. Why is it that there is so much turmoil in Middletown? I never remember such mud slinging when the Republicans ran things.

Gabriel - What???
(12/15/2008 )
DD, I agree with you 100% that the democrats brought this upon themselves, but if you can't recall turmoil under GOP control, your memory needs a little upgrade. How about the time they forced out a successful business manager (1 of 2 they forced out), or expanded the number of citizens on the country club committee and then appointed a powerful member of the GOP who is involved in commercial property development? There's more, but that's just what's off the top of my head.
Excuse my being repetitive from prior posts but what the democrats did was arrogant and stupid, but it's NO DIFFERENT than what happened under GOP control. When people like Ms. Wandling who, assuming the above anonymous post is accurate, pose as non partisan individuals and act amazed at the behavior of the other party, it is so hypocritical. Let's remember that in the end, the court decision was to redo the meeting which is what the democrats were going to do until the GOP's filed an injunction. Same decision with no benefit to the taxpayers, but apparently it's given the GOP some much desired ammo at our expense.

In the end, neither party has served the public in this matter. It's political gamesmanship at its worst. If anyone out there really believes one party is more guilty of pulling this crap than the other, you've got blinders on.

July 2, 2009 9:47 AM

WBCB Pat Wandling...the tri-fecta « previous next »
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Author Topic: WBCB Pat Wandling...the tri-fecta (Read 283 times)

Hero Member

Posts: 101

WBCB Pat Wandling...the tri-fecta
« on: May 25, 2008, 07:42:02 AM »


Yes, another posting of Pat Wandling, girl reporter and host of the "Speak your republican piece". Ready, let me first ask all of you a question. When you go back to work this week ask you employer if it would be ok if you left the office in the middle of the day to go and work another job for an hour. Make sure you add into it that you want to be paid for the time you are not in the office and ,yes you'll be paid by the other employer as well . What do you think your current employer would say to you ? Well, seems that old Bob White at the Bucks County Re-developement authority has no problems with allowing Pat to take off in the middle of the afternoon to work her speel at WBCB. Now I'm kind of slow so maybe some of you can answer this question for me as well. The funding for the Bucks County Re-delvelopemnt authority, are they funded with tax-payer dollars ? If it is how and why do they allow a employee to work for the BCRDA and WBCB at the same time ? Also, ido you, as a tax payer, do you se something wrong with this picture ? I mean Pat is serving two masters , BCRDA and WBCB , ( maybe its three masters when you include the republican party ), and as the bible states, serve two masters and you 'll end up hating one and loving the other. Look, if I am wrong I do hope some of you will bring me up to speed in regards to this situation.



Lawrence E. Tamanini

WBCBs Pat Wandling, listener "miifs" Pat


Well well well, the other day I tuned in to WBCB and a caller stated on the air that Pat Wandlings' employment/appointments can be attributed to her party affiliation ! Pat was taken aback, she suttered for a moment. Pat then replied " No, thats not true, I'm an independent thinker". Well Pat, nobody that has ever heard you would ever say you are an independent thinker. No my dear, you are nothing more then a political parrot for the republican party . Now there is nothing wrong with being a political parrot, hell, the dems have their fair share. What was hilarious was how you stated that you are a "independent thinker"! What a hoot! You, independent, please stop I'm laughing so hard it hurts ! Each and everyday all you do is spin whatever Congressman Murphy is qouted in the press and if not the congressman you go after Diane Marseglia or some other democrat. You use the theme of your show like its a chance for people to vent their fustrations on what is going on in their community to campaign retoric for any republican that is running for that office. In my opinion, you do a dis-service by being the host and at the same time being the republican parrot. Hell, they should have you perched in a cage repeating, "Repubican want a vote".

Now I ask all of you to tune in to SPEAK YOUR PIECE on WBCB 1490 AM and tell me if you remotely think that Pat Wandling is either an"independent thinker" or just another political parrot.

Citizens for Common Sense Forums
General Category => Local Politics => Topic started by: thevoice on February 26, 2008, 11:56:31 AM

Title: WBCBs Pat Wandling, doing the old flip-flop
Post by: thevoice on February 26, 2008, 11:56:31 AM

Listening to "Speak your republican piece" I heard old Pat Wandling do the old flip-flop . During the last congressional race old Pat came to me and stated that they, Mike Fitzpatrick campaign, was going to go after Patrick Murphy on his military record. I was privy to a copy of congressman Murphys' military record and responded back to her that that was a dumb idea. Furthermore, I explained , in detail , each and every aspect of the congessmans' record to her but she failed to listen, or whoever the genius was that came up with that idea. It was dumb and it ended up costing Mike votes from many vets. Mike should of had better sense then to stoop to such a low level and in particular one that made no sense and was a losing proposition all the way around. On the air, Ms. Wandling made light of congressman Murpys military experience and that just because he, Murphy ,was in the military that gives him or ANYONE the experience to run for office. Now Pat Wandling was the one who articulated on the air that military experience was not a big deal. Her words not mine. Pat had to take this position due to the fact that Mike Fitzpatrcik never served.

Well, here comes old Pat now getting ready to do the old flip-flop since the republicans now have a potential canidate that has a military record and sadly lost a son in Iraq. Listen to Pat now, (if you can stay awake) now Pat is crowing a different tune. Yes, Pat is now marching to a different drummer when it comes to military experience.

So step away from the pool as Pat Wandling gets ready to do another belly flop.

Check out this in particular:

I can only imagine what Mike Fitzpatrick was thinking when he read that front-page story about (finally) the Democrats’ solution for Iraq. I think he may have said, “Hey, that sounds familiar.”

Pat Wandling
Middletown Township, PA

And a commenter:

At 9:31 AM, Anonymous said...
Another case of sour grapes..or is it the first volley in the 08 campaign?
The letter writer worked for the Fitzpatrick campaign..and is the host of the radio program on at noon on wbcb radio, 1490 am ...owned by Pat Deon.
This is what can be called "keeping it all in the family".