Monday, July 20, 2009

Political Catfight

The article below is from the first voter in the first ward from the May Primary. Her last sentence pretty much sums up everything. "Quite frankly, the politics in this borough disgust me." Yep, the politics in this town stink! It is time for the residents of this town to elect new leaders. The "old guard" whether on the school board, or the borough council have done nothing to promote commerce, tourism, or goodwill in this town. This town has the potential to be a gem, and the sad thing is, the elected leaders who have called Morrisville home for decades have no vision for the future. The time for CHANGE is now, vote for new leaders in the Nov 3 election. Only with a change in leadership can Morrisville thrive. To borrow a cheesy tag line, to "stay on track" is really not in Morrisville's best interest.

from the BCCT:

Political cat fight
Bucks County Courier Times
I am writing in response to Ms. Brofman's letter that appeared in this newspaper on June 30. I feel I have no choice since she used me to further her own agenda.

I was the first voter in the First Ward on the day of the May, 2009 primary election. The polling place opened promptly at 7:00 a.m. When I entered the voting booth, there was a glitch that resulted in a delay of perhaps two minutes, which does not fall into the category of "simply inexcusable." I pulled my time sheet for that day and I arrived at 7:28 a.m. That means I had to have left the polling place by 7:10 a.m. at the very latest, or I wouldn't have been to work by that time. Had I felt the delay was "inexcusable," there would have been a letter sent to this newspaper as soon as I got to work that morning.

I do not appreciate being dragged into this political cat fight by Ms. Brofman. Quite frankly, the politics in this borough disgust me.

Cynthia Dee Wilson
