Tuesday, May 26, 2009

More on tomorrows meetings

Just received this from an e-mailer:

Subject: Please attend Wednesday's School Board Policy Committee Meeting &Monthly Bus Meeting

If you haven't already heard, there is a Policy Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 5/27/09 at 6:30 PM in the High School's G Hall conference room ( Dr Yonson's conference room). Brenda Worob is chair of this committee and has not as yet told anyone what policies will be discussed (In order to be prepared you must know what it is that is to be discussed). It seems to be big secret. After connecting a few dots we believe that at least one of the policies the board majority wants to change is the one pertaining to the number of students in a classroom. We are losing 11 teachers with the early retirement plan. At last Wednesday's School Board Agenda meeting Board member Marlys Mihok mentioned that the 11 teachers leaving would reduce the budget. Dr. Yonson told everyone that 10 of the teachers would have to be replaced. Mr. Hellmann instructed the business administrator, Mr. DeAngelo, to review the budget for another 10 mil decrease. Dr. Yonson stated that any additional decreases to the budget would have an impact on educational programs. The school board majority's thinking is that If they increase the number of students to 30 or 35 they will not need to hire replacements for most of the teachers that are retiring in June. In addition to this the board needs to vote on rehiring classroom aides. PLEASE!!! IF YOU CAN, BE AT THE 6:30 POLICY MEETING to hear the discussion. The regular school board meeting will start at 7:30. Information is power. Don't allow this school board to continue to systematically dismantle our school district. Please pass this email along.