Thursday, May 28, 2009

Another K9 search at the MS/HS today...

Thanks to an emailer for this heads up -

From website:

May 28, 2009

Dear Parent/Guardian:

This morning at 10:00 am, Morrisville Middle/Senior High School went into restrictive movement. The purpose of the restrictive movement was to clear the school so Interquest Detection Canines could conduct a search. This search serves several purposes with the most important being ensuring a safe environment for all members of the Morrisville Middle/Senior High School community. Additionally, this will send a message to any student considering bringing harmful substances to the middle/senior high school. The school administration, faculty, and students will not tolerate this type of activity in their school.

At no time was a student subjected to a search by the use of a dog.

Today’s search was conducted following School Board Policy (#226) and with utmost respect for student privacy. Students, teachers, staff, and parents/guardians have the right to expect to come to a safe place to learn, work, or visit.


William J. Ferrara Principal