2. Close M. R. Reiter via neglect, and putting children in harms way. Complete
3. Cram and pack remaining students into the H.S. and Grandview buildings. Complete
4. Aviod tax increases by eliminating anything not mandated by the state .Ongoing
5. Do not take responsibility for any actions the board may take, rather blame it on "tough economic conditions." Ongoing
6. Appoint "friends" to the board who will not challenge your actions , "robots" if you will. Create a "PR" position to put a positive spin on all you do. Complete
This regime fronted by Bill Hellmann CPA, but run by none other than Marlys Mihok,(who by Hellmann's definition "has no skin in the game", since she is a renter) is systematically destroying our School District. They may have saved a few bucks on our taxes, but they have made our property values PLUMMET!! Think about it next time you drive through any neighbor hood in Morrisville. Why are there so many home for sale? Homeowners property values have sunk tremendously in the past 4 years under this Mihok led regime, homes are difficult to sell, and with a school district run by incompetent, backward thinking individuals, young families are choosing to move elsewhere. They are only concerned with lowering taxes, nothing else, children are a tax liability to them.
Why would they do this you ask? Well for one they are hoping that either the state comes in and takes the district over, or they are waiting for some sort of state mandated consolidation plan to take effect. Or there is always the pipe dream that we could merge with Pennsbury.
So when you see either Mihok, or Hellmann, or any of their "robots", ask them why they are destroying our school district. Ask them why through their actions, are they fascinated with sticking it to the hard working parents of this district, and to the homeowners of Morrisville.
Regime Change is needed. Think about it people in Egypt and Libya are fighting and dying for what they believe in. It's time the citizens of Morrisville stand up and take action against the tyranny WE have lived with for the past 4 years.