Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ron Stout's Reader Voice piece in the BCCT

Maybe before Mr.Stout talks "facts" he should get his straight.

Wasteful overspending underutilizes grant money

Bucks County Courier Times

A few facts Morrisville taxpayers should consider: First, $190,000 for the Morrisville Borough Library includes only lighting, suspended ceilings, and air conditioning for the upstairs; $30,000 of the $190,000 was allocated to install a three-phase electrical system, a system typically used for heavy industrial plants, not libraries. The basement, where almost all community meetings are held, will continue to be without air conditioning. This is what the Morrisville taxpayers received for their money disguised in the form of a grant. Apparently, elected council members do not understand that grant money is still taxpayer money.

It is my understanding that council will soon be voting on a $35,000 porch roof for the Morrisville Library. I have been a builder and renovator my entire life. I estimate that the roof should cost a total of $3,300 plus labor, not $35,000.

The porch roof has been there approximately 100 years. There is no reason why we need an engineer to redesign it. We need someone to give an honest estimate to restore the roof to its original condition as there is no reason why the restored roof would not last another 100 years.

Council has to dig deeper for common sense solutions to spread the $35,000 as far as it can go. For instance, the professional engineers hired should have cited some very necessary repairs that should be done before another harsh winter does any more damage. The whole roof needs repair, plus the entire exterior of the building is in dire need of having its stone repointed. Additionally, the wood frames surrounding the stained glass windows are rotten and need immediate attention. Why didn't the engineers notice this?

It is unfortunate that citizens will never learn about this waste of taxpayer dollars because the free Comcast government channel 22 has been shut down by the council majority. The volunteers of 14 years have been turned away from broadcasting the meetings with the claim that the new equipment they installed is not working properly. How convenient!

The only way to overcome this attempt to keep information from a large portion of our citizenry is to attend the meetings and listen to what is going on. You don't have to speak, but show by your attendance that the citizens of Morrisville care and are paying attention to how their hard earned money is being spent.

The next agenda meeting is Oct. 12 and the next regular business meeting is Oct. 18. Please make an effort to attend - there is power in numbers.

Ronald M. Stout


October 04, 2010 02:00 AM

Lisa C., 10-04-10, 7:52 am Rate: 1 Report

Disgraceful... this is why people are tired of the same old, same old policies. I hope Mr. Stout's fellow Morrisville voters will help him in his quest to right the wrong that has been done with their tax dollars.

mfalkevitz, 10-04-10, 10:18 am Rate: 2 Report

Maybe now Morrisville residents will see that the policies of those supported by John Galloway are not in the best interest of the Borough. It is clear now that Jane Burger is thre better choice for our communities.

Beth M., 10-04-10, 10:21 am Rate: -2 Report

Beth M., 10-04-10, 10:32 am Rate: -2 Report

I'll give this a whirl, although I don't know why. I suspect Stout cannot read. But then again his friend, Jane Burger, will have plenty of time to read this stuff to him after Galloway beats her in the next election.

I don't know who wrote this piece for Stout, but I do know that this article is completely politically motivated and has nothing to do with the Morrisville Library.

This article so misses its mark it reads like a bad joke.


Here's Stout, a school board director who never graduated from high school spouting off again against working on the town's library which is housed in the oldest building Morrisville owns.

"I have been a builder and renovator my entire life." I, along with others, would definitely like to see those credentials, Ron. Under the table?! I'm not sure Stout even pays taxes.

I'm not knocking the guy for not finishing high school, my own father didn't because he had to go to work to help support his family. But my own father was an honest, hardworking man. Unlike Stout who has, yet again, proven to the Morrisville community that he is a liar by the misinformation he provided in the article above.

Beth M., 10-04-10, 10:38 am Rate: -2 Report

"A few facts Morrisville taxpayers should consider: First, $190,000 for the Morrisville Borough Library includes only lighting, suspended ceilings, and air conditioning for the upstairs; $30,000 of the $190,000 was allocated to install a three-phase electrical system, a system typically used for heavy industrial plants, not libraries. The basement, where almost all community meetings are held, will continue to be without air conditioning."


Sout obviously learned nothing when he & Mihok embarrassed themselves at the county commissioner's meeting. Even Commissioner Martin told him the three-phase electrical system was the standard. Stoud is a liar if he is trying to get the public to believe that it is only used industrially. Maybe Stout should rethink his job as a "builder and renovator" if he doesn't know this basic stuff. Maybe anyone who actually hired him should remember to pay your fire insurance & have his work looked at by an actual professional.

Beth M., 10-04-10, 10:46 am Rate: -2 Report

I wouldn't expect Stout to support the Morrisville Library because he doesn't support ANYTHING at all in Morrisville except his buddies. Where was Stout's complaints about his friends, School Board Director Buckman and Mayor Ledger who can go for years and years without paying their bills which falls on the taxpayers shoulders. Why is being a deadbeat okay with Stout yet working on the library is not?

Maybe he has been to busy harassing teenage girls to notice what his friends were doing.

Spending so much time trying to successfully put two sentences together Stout must not have realized that it wasn't the current engineer who worked on the library, it was the prior one, Burger & Mihok's buddies, Pennoni.

Council does not make up the numbers on how much these things cost, the engineer does, which would have been Pennoni.

Does this ignorant man even realize that when he is now complaining about the library work he is actually complaining about his buddies Todd Sanford and Eileen Dreisbach as well. Does Stout even realize that the work he is complaining about was NOT even voted on by the current council. It was voted on by the prior council, by Stout's friends, Jane Burger, Ledger, Worob, & Dreisbach.

What's wrong with this man. Fixing the library is a good thing for the whole community but it doesn't fit into his shameful agenda so he has to spew. I'm pretty tired of this group of old politicians deceiving and scaring the pubic over and over again.

Beth M., 10-04-10, 11:05 am Rate: -2 Report

"free Comcast government channel 22 has been shut down by the council majority."

Geez, it looks to me like Stout cannot be honest.....abou t anything. This was never voted on by the "council majority" because the equipment isn't working, it has nothing to do with council. Its not a matter of shutting it down. Stout knows this but just keeps spewing. The borough has needed new equipment for years. The quipment not working is nothing new. The funny thing about this complaint by Stout is that he & his friends have been running the equipment booth, but when problems begin happening with the equipment, they point fingers elsewhere. "How convenient!"

"The only way to overcome this attempt to keep information from a large portion of our citizenry (totally not Stout's word) is to attend the meetings"

I'm thinking this man needs to have his meds looked at (by a professional, not just someone who knows about drugs). What "attempt to keep information", the meetings are public. Everyone also has access to meeting minutes.

Stout, in the end you will lose all credibility, if you haven't already.