Since our return to the blogosphere we have kept relatively quiet. However just because it's not on the blog doesn't mean that all things are peachy keen in the schools. Here are some things our sources have been saying:
1. Double standards- There are various things that have been affecting the PTO in a negative manner. Last year the PTO was giving strict guidelines on how to operate and how to fund raise. Very recently there has been a few fundraisers where the PTO was left out of the loop, and the guidelines that the PTO is made to follow, were not followed by these groups. For example, the PTO last year wanted to do a pajama day fundraiser for the 5th graders. They were told the 5th graders were not allowed to wear pjs to school, therefore it could not be a fundraiser. Very recently there was in fact a pajama day, which included the 4th and 5th graders, the PTO was not involved in this fundraiser, and found out about it after it happened.
2. Why on earth would an organization ask for popcorn donations when the PTO owns a popcorn machine? Once again the PTO was told they could not do more than one popcorn day a month. Now it seems like it's ok to do so as long as the PTO is not involved. This may come off sour grapes, but the PTO has worked very hard for the kids the past year to be underhanded, and undermined by the administration. Thumbs down for double standards.
2. In preparation for next year the color guard coach wanted to recruit 5th graders to be part of the guard next year. Makes sense right? The kids are already at the school and the coach could get a jump on practicing the routines with new members. Guess what she was told? Give up? She was told NO! The reason given was 5th graders were not allowed to participate is because they would then have to let them do the same things that were offered to the 6th graders. Guess what is offered to the 6th graders? Don't know? 6th graders are allowed to do band,chorus, and color guard. So what is the harm in letting 5th graders do color guard? Thumbs down again to the administration.
3. The question was raised at the last board meeting regarding the music teacher situation. It has been well discussed that this teacher will be teaching kindergarten next year. This comes from a very reliable source. So for the board and administration to look surprised when this question came up is a shame. Unless there really is some back room deals going on that the administration or board members do not know about.
There are people behind the scenes trying to make Morrisville a better place. It's a shame whenever someone has a new idea it is immediately shot down. It's a shame when there are sets of rules for some and not for others. Let's work together to make Morrisville a better place to live.