Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Corruption at its finest

Last night the board voted 6-2 to approve and hire a "communications director". Their pick.....Patricia Wandling. Yes that Patricia Wandling. The same person that said Morrisville has nothing to offer. The same person who rarely has anything positive to say about our town. Her pay, $25,000. Here is where the corruption comes into play. Was this position ever posted anywhere? NO. The board was originally going to just approve the job description, but Mr. Fitzpatrick announced at the beginning of the meeting that there was an addition to the agenda and it was to hire Pat Wandling for $25,000. How can you hire someone if their job description has not even been approved? But here's the most corrupt part of it all...Melissa Danbury, during public session volunteered her services free of charge for six months, and after that time if funds were available, she would be willing to stay on the job on a part-time basis. What did the board do? They chose Patricia Wandling. And finally Patricia Wandling used to work for Mr. Fitzpatrick. This whole communications director has corruption written all over it. Great Job guys, your ways of cronyism, backroom deals, and unethical behavior will now be brought to light for all of Morrisville to see, and wherever Sharon Hughes plays her tapes of the board meetings. As board members you should all be ashamed of yourselves for the following reasons:

1: For being Bill Hellmann's lap dogs.
2. For not using common sense when voting on this "communications director" position
3. For allowing Sharon Hughes to go off on "non school board" issues, while reprimanding Mrs. Haug for actually speaking about agenda items.

Below is a recap of the board meeting from the BCCT.

Board hires part-time communications director
Bucks County Courier Times
One board member voted no because she said the directors just received resumes and the recommended person used to work for the solicitor.

After a parent volunteered to temporarily do the job for free, the Morrisville school board Wednesday night approved 6-2 to hire Patricia Wandling as the district's part-time communications director for $25,000.

Board members Robin Reithmeyer and Joseph Kemp voted no to the hire and Gloria Heater wasn't present for the vote.

Board members Brenda Worob and William Farrell both voted in favor of the motion because they said Morrisville needs a way and place to advertise its positive communication.

"(This position) is very positive to have in the district for the community," said Worob. "People who aren't involved in the district don't know what's going on. (This can) bring the community together."

PTO member Melissa Danbury agreed, which is why she volunteered to do the job for free for six months.

A few residents and board members conceded that the district needs someone to help getting the word out to the community about what's happening in Morrisville. But others said the district shouldn't spend the money right now and accused the board of using the spot to further their own political agenda.

One community member suggested finding a volunteer, faculty member, or journalism class to write press releases.

After Reithmeyer expressed concern that the job description didn't specify a supervisor, Superintendent Elizabeth Yonson suggested adding that she would oversee the position.

Reithmeyer said she voted against the motion because the district only received resumes Tuesday, no one had a chance to interview anyone, and Wandling is a former employee of district solicitor Michael Fitzpatrick.

June 25, 2009 02:11 AM